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Moon Signs, Moon Types: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces What is a moon type?
Nearly everybody knows his "zodiac sign" or sun sign, but not that many their moon sign and their moon type. The zodiac sign of of a person it is the sign, in which the sun stood at birth. This is what you perhaps look for in the horoscope pages of the daily paper. This sun sign stands for the "male" part of the human being. But there also exists a "female" side - that is, what the moon sign stands for. The moon sign or the moon horoscope betrays a lot about our conscious and subconscious emotional world. Some things, which remain inexplicable by viewing just the zodiac sign, find their solution by taking into account the moon sign. Have fun in your exploration!
P.S. The moon sign is neither the "zodiac sign" nor the ascendant, which it has been mistaken for once in a while.
Aries - Moon type
Impatient, ambitious, vigorous, stubborn and full of energy. They take their decisions "on a gut level". They are happy, optimistic, and positive and can give impulse to their environment. Mostly they dispose of excellent management qualities and with their ambition and energy they go far. They have a tendency towards impatience and they easily get bored with routine tasks. They permanently seek new challenges and adventures. If they do not succeed the first time, they may react with anger, but then they begin the next project. They easily upset their fellow human beings, because they do not only express their positive feelings immediately and don't let off steam. Sorrow, suffering and anxieties they hide from themselves and from others; they should learn to admit also these feelings and to live them.
Taurus - Moon type
The good-natured Taurus moons are sociable, good company and sensual. Life is worth living for them. They are emotionally balanced, inwardly and outwardly reliable and steady. They like to finish a project, before they start a new one. In turn they lack a bit of spontaneity. They like a regular life and they need a secure hold. Easily they overestimate material securities. Therefore they develop the capacity to make a lot of money and - above all - to keep it. Avarice is not their problem, therefore they enjoy life too much, and they are preoccupied with their bodily well being. Taurus - moons should learn not to take money too important. In relationships they are devoted, tender and steady. Since they are emotionally steady and radiate tranquility, they give energy to others.
Gemini - Moon type
The sociable Gemini - moons are mentally active and flexible, merry and adventurous. Their need for contact with their fellow human being is like their need of air to breathe. Invariably they are the spontaneous jack of all trades, people who always put their noses to the wind and who can't stand living in the same place more than a couple of years. Monotony horrors for them, they like change, are enterprising and motivate their fellow human beings. Their vividness makes them easily appear superficial, unsteady and easygoing. They are in danger of dispersing themselves. Emotions are not very profound and are dominated by their reasoning. They can handle sorrow, worries and anxieties more easily than others.
Cancer - Moon type
The receptive Cancer - moons are sensible, friendly and caring human beings. For them emotional security is more important than material safety. Not only as children, but also as adults have they an ample fantasy. Persons who have a cancer - moon or know others who possess one will realize that cancer - moons are even more sensible than other persons born in the sign of the zodiac cancer. They try to hide their inner selves under a hard skin, appearing cool and unfriendly towards others. They are receptive to emotions and external influences so that their moods change rapidly. Domestic cosines and a comfortable home promote their well being substantially. Cancer - moons mother their family and friends with great care. Often they select a profession, where they can benefit of those qualities.
Leo - Moon type
The proud Leo - moons are charming, merry people; they are always happy and often dispose of managerial qualities. The radiate power and natural warmth, they are generous and cordial. In turn they like to be recognized and admired. Therefore they know very well how to put themselves in scene. They don't appreciate criticism, since it would hurt their pride - which sometimes comes close to arrogance. Above all female Leo - moons dispose of sleeping creative capabilities, which they should put into practice in the arts. Leo - moons can be very dominant, even dictatorial, but they possess a good, great and above all, a loving heart: loving and being loved is their motto. Once they have made friends with somebody, they become very faithful friends and partners. But, even though they enjoy flirting themselves, they don't accept it in their partners.
Virgo - Moon type
The reasoning Virgin - moons are efficient, practical people. Not only in their household but also in their emotional word everything is put in order. All is planed in fine detail; they feel uneasy if they have to leave anything to chance. They are always helpful, even unselfish when they can help others. They are excellent in counseling and comforting and enjoy the feeling of being needed by somebody. They don't like showing their own feelings even though it would be good for them. They enjoy working "behind the scenes". Virgin - moons types perceive details and are fond of them. They can work on them with great care and perseverance. In the negative case their perfectionism obstructs their ambitions; a nagging character trait becomes visible. Frequently they are good cooks, who not only take into account the taste but also a healthy life style.
Libra - Moon type
The obliging Libra - moons are polite, diplomatic, kind and compliant.
They are able to understand and enter others sentiments. Often they agree with others, allowing them to agree and decide on their behalf. Recognition is important for them. They tend to evade conflicts, are easily in danger of giving up themselves and of being exploited. They have to learn, that their own wishes and emotions are also important for a harmonic life. Libra - moons love harmony and beauty. They enjoy sociability and a pleasant life in general. Inwardly they are often indecisive and they have a hard time making decisions. Some Libra - moons become judges as they have a strong sense of justice.
Scorpio - Moon type
The profound Scorpio - moon has a desire to question everything and get to the bottom of everything. They dispose of a strong will and character. They are hard working, reliable and ambitious; there have also been some notorious criminals, scientific investigators and detectives. There is nothing that remains secret for a scorpion - moon. The more mysterious a person, an area or a task appears the more dedicated the scorpio - moon works on the matter - if necessary half of a lifetime. Many people born under this moon sign can benefit of a "magical" charisma. In communication with others they are firm, almost stubborn, often even harsh and obstinate. In relationships they are passionate and honest as long as their pride isn't hurt, then they can be resentful. Although they like very much exploring the souls of others they give very little away of themselves. Nevertheless they work intensively on the solution of their own problems. Only in emergencies will a Scorpio - moon accepts help from outside. .
Sagittarius - Moon type
The searching Sagittarius - moons are always alert, open and interested in everything. They easily become enthusiastic; they are idealistic, love their freedom but are rarely persevering. They demand as well as concede liberty and tolerance in love. They dispose of an impulsive, enthusiastic and optimistic approach to live. They are adventurers, nature - lovers and the notorious travelers among the moon signs. They are always driven to new horizons, which they try to conquer. They are also travelers in the mental sphere full of the desire for knowledge and discovery. They deal with last questions and the sense of life and try to pass on the answers they have found. They enjoy living but sometimes tend to be sectarian and to proselytize.
Capricorn - Moon type
The ambitious Capricorn - moons are reserved, careful and perseverant. They wish to get somewhere in life, therefore they persecute their objectives with great diligence, calm and tough sometimes close to doggedness. They are so disciplined, that they dispense of short-term compensations in favor of long-term objectives and professional success. Taking into account their sense for order and organization on one hand, their sense for money and power on the other hand the preconditions for advancement are given and good. In their relationships they are faithful and reliable; they have formed a hard peel around their emotions though, so that their partners often have to draw everything out of their nose. Brooding, melancholy and a tendency towards lone wolfship have been put in their cradle. They should learn to relax and approach things with tranquility, so that they can enjoy their own successes.
Aquarius - Moon type
The humanistic Aquarius - moons are freedom - loving, original and very empathic in human relationships. Social commitment and the strive for justice take an important place in their live and often make them reformers or revolutionaries. Their personal freedom is always of utmost importance to them. There are only few Aquarius - moons dressed ordinarily, living in common departments or having "normal" hobbies. Neither have they felt inclined to "normal" professions. Aquarius - moons enjoy distinguishing themselves from their environment. With originality and creativity they apply their artistic talents. They have an instinct for new trends and often turn out to be the trendsetters in society. They are emotionally introverted and often still have to learn to express their feelings. Although being very sociable sometimes they stay lonely inside.
Pisces - Moon type
The sensible Fish - moons have a profound mind, are empathic, benevolent and always ready to help. They understand their fellow human beings intuitively and take their decisions listening to their emotions. In love they are tender and romantic; they need a profound psychological affinity to their partner. Their artistic qualities and their rich emotional life often are expressed in the selection of their profession. The fish - moons, Leonardo da Vinci, Goethe and Michelangelo not only could benefit from their rich fantasy but also their talent for logical thinking. There are also fish - moons, who let themselves be driven all their lives, and incapable to decide, even phlegmatic, only pursuing their day dreams.
Texts relating to the moon signs: Rainer Kasberg
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